Leak Detector Evaluation Protocols
A complete set of protocols is
available on the Leak Detection 2000 CD-ROM. Most of
the protocols below were not available at the time that Leak
Detection 2000 CD-ROM was being developed and can be downloaded
from here.
of Test Procedure for the Evaluation of Double Wall Pipe
With Liquid Filled Interstice for Loss Prevention, May
27, 2003,

This document describes the testing that can be conducted
on liquid filled interstitial monitors. This makes it possible
for users, regulators and other interested parties to evaluate
the performance of the leak detector and to compare its
performance with other similar methods. The results of this
evaluation may be applied to any system that monitors the
liquid level in a reservoir attached to the annular space
of double wall pipe.
- Mass-Based
Leak Detection Systems for Aboveground Storage Tanks
Larger than 50,000 gallons, November 2002,

Although the document is dated November 2002, it was first
made publicly available March 3, 2003 after undergoing a
peer review by industry.
This document provides an evaluation procedure that may
be used for mass-based leak detection systems designed for
Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs). There is not an official
federal protocol for testing AST leak detection equipment.
The procedures described in this document have incorporated
many of the procedures contained in the EPA protocols for
evaluating leak detectors for smaller underground storage
- Evaluation
of Systems Used for Testing of Secondary Containment Vessels
(Draft Version dated October 24, 2001), Microsoft Word Format
This document provides procedures that may be used to conduct
leak detection tests on systems that are designed to detect
leaks in dispenser sumps and turbine pits. The capacity
of these sumps is generally of the order of a few hundred
gallons. Since there is no official protocol for testing
these sumps, it has been necessary to develop an alternate
protocol, incorporating as many of the features as possible
from the EPA protocols for evaluating leak detectors for
smaller tanks. The primary motivation for this protocol
is to provide an independent evaluation of methods developed
specifically to meet the requirements of California SB 989
for determining the tightness of sumps.
- Proposed
Method for Testing Vacuum Interstitial Monitors (April
27, 2001), Microsoft Word Format
This draft of a new protocol describes the general concepts
of how we think that an evaluation of a vacuum interstitial
monitoring system could be conducted. It is not meant to
be a complete protocol yet, but most of the technical details
are there. If anyone who reviews this feels that it needs
to include some additional testing or that any of the concepts
are incorrect now would be a good time to let us know. If
you do not have time or interest in reviewing this document,
do not feel that you need to respond.
After this opportunity
for comment has been completed we will polish it up, add
a cover and some disclaimers, thank those who contributed,
and send it to Jack Quigley for peer review. If any of
you know anyone who might be willing to serve as a reviewer,
either for low pay or no pay, let us know. Vendors are
welcome to review and comment on the protocol. The peer
review should probably be conducted by persons with no
vested interest in the testing. Peer reviewers should
have some expertise with vacuum testing and leak detection
if possible.
- Probe
Comparison Protocol (March 27, 2000 Version) - Test
Procedures for Comparison of Different ATGS Probes (PDF)

- Bulk
Field Constructed Tank Evaluation Protocol (November
2000 Version) - Test Procedures for Comparison of Leak Detection
Methods used on Bulk Field-Constructed Tanks (PDF)
Evaluation Protocol (January 7, 2000 Version) - Test
Procedures for Evaluating Continuous In-Tank Leak Detection
Systems (PDF)

- Video
Camera Inspection DocumentSept. 99 version)
- Recommended Practice for Inspecting Buried Lined Steel
Tanks Using a Video Camera (PDF)

- Vacuum
Interstitial Monitor for Tanks (Sept. 96 version)
